Governing Council » Governing Council

Governing Council

South Valley Academy's Governing Council is currently composed of up to seven members of the community. The powers of the Governing Council include approving the school’s annual budget, making broad policy as outlined by South Valley Academy’s charter, approving charter amendments, approving school plans and handbooks, and hiring and evaluating the Executive Director. It uses the consensus model for decision-making.

The Governing Council meets in the SVA Main Office on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 5:30 p.m. Each meeting consists of a public session and, optionally, a closed session for discussion of internal business. Parents, students, and community members are welcome to attend and participate in the public session of each meeting. During the public session, school events and concerns are discussed.

Feedback from present guests is welcome during the Open Forum portion of each meeting. Please note that questions and discussion from the Open Forum will be recorded in the meeting's official minutes. A final version of the approved minutes will be made available to the public in digital form on this site or in paper form at our main office no later than 10 days after each meeting. A recording of each meeting will also be posted on our website no later than 10 days after each meeting and will be retained for three years.

Remote/video option: all Governing Council meetings will also be available on Google Meet as part of our normal proceedings. Members of the public who do not have a Google account may dial into the meeting by phone using the number provided for each meeting.

Governing Council Members

Robert Baade, President
[email protected]
Nancy Harmon, Vice President
[email protected]
Reyna Santillano, Secretary
[email protected]
Nancy Cabrera, Member
[email protected]
Daisy Munoz, Member
[email protected]
Tristian Ortiz, Member
[email protected]
Sasha Pellerin, Member
[email protected]
2024-2025 Meeting Schedule
All meetings are scheduled for the fourth Tuesday of the month at 5:30 p.m. unless indicated
Meeting times and dates are subject to change

Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Tuesday, November 19, 2024*
Tuesday, December 17, 2024*
Tuesday, January 28, 2025
Tuesday, February 25, 2025
Tuesday, March 25, 2025
Tuesday, April 22, 2025
Tuesday, May 27, 2025
Tuesday, June 24, 2025
Tuesday, July 22, 2025

*= The November and December regular meetings will take place on the third
Tuesday of the month due to the Thanksgiving and Winter Breaks.
Governing Council Bylaws and Procedure