Section 504 Notice of Non Discrimination
General Notice to Students, Parents, Employees and Other Individuals
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act And Americans with Disabilities Act
Notice of Nondiscrimination
Applicants for admission and employment, students, parents, persons with disabilities, employees, and all unions or professional organizations holding collective bargaining or professional agreements with South Valley Academy (SVA) are hereby notified that this district does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, color, national origin, age, or disability in admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs and activities.
Any person having inquiries concerning the district’s compliance with the regulations implementing Title VI, Title IX, The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) or Section 504 is directed to contact the following individual who has been designated by the district to coordinate efforts to comply with the regulations regarding nondiscrimination:
Name: Steve Eckert, Ph.D.
Title: Director of Inclusion and Supports, 504 Coordinator
Contact: (505) 457-0336 [email protected]