College and Career Resources

Your College and Career Readiness Staff
505-452-3132 ext. 61010
Apply to New Mexico Colleges
NM Lottery Scholarship
Four-year institutions
- Students must now take 15 credit hours per semester and must maintain at least a 2.5 GPA every semester to continue to be eligible
- If you maintain eligibility, you can receive the Lottery Scholarship for 7 semesters for 4-year institutions
Two-year institutions
- Students must take 12 credit hours per semester and must maintain at least a 2.5 GPA every semester to continue to be eligible
- If you maintain eligibility, you can receive the Lottery Scholarship for 3 semesters for 2-year institutions
College Search Information
Career Exploration and Other Options after High School
Apprenticeship Information
Study Help
Helpful Programs
Resources for Undocumented Students
College Bound Athletes
The NCAA, NAIA, and NJCAA have processes that you need to follow to ensure your eligibility.
The NCAA, NAIA, and NJCAA have processes that you need to follow to ensure your eligibility.
College Application Help